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Lizard Rock Trail - Reifsneider State Forest and Conservation Area - Warren County, MO

Reifsneider Memorial State Forest Area is a beautiful and fairly lightly used area, save the gun range at the far west end at the end of the main access road. It has one main trail, Lizard Rock, about 1.25-1.5 miles in length, depending on how you meander at certain places along the way back. But, there are numerous other smaller trails throughout the area, which you can find by studying the area map available through MDC (see link below)

The area is in the river hills north of the Missouri River, and holds many turkey, some deer, and other wildlife. The forest contains mostly hardwood...oak, hickory, etc., but also some pines interspersed, as well as cedars (actually juniper).

This is nice area to visit, but not necessarily worth a long drive just for hiking. If you want to mix in some fishing, a picnic, or some other will likely have an enjoyable visit.

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