Warm Weather in February gets us thinking Spring Outdoors

You cannot help but think about Springtime when it hits the mid 70's in late February and it's hit me hard.
I love Winter, and I am already looking forward in some respects to Fall with deer hunting and all the other things I like to do. But, it is hard to argue with the great feelings you get when the Winter weather breaks and the weather starts to warm up.
Some of that might be having grown up in Alaska and having lived there again part of my adult life. There, cabin fever is really a thing that gets to almost everybody, and even though I never felt up there like I was losing my mind, you sort of get it programmed into your psyche to start getting pumped for Spring when it starts to show itself in any form.
This Winter has seemed really mild and we have gotten out a lot. There probably has not been three consecutive days where I have not gotten out at least by myself, and very often with my wife and sometimes sons as well. But when Spring rolls in and we are in that sweet spot between Winter and oppressive Missouri heat and humidity, outdoor activities may be at their best.
Here in a couple of weeks, the March 1st Trout Park openeing day arrives. This marks the start of Spring for many outdoors oriented men and women around the state. It's a crazy event at the parks with combat fishing at its best or worst - just depends on your perspective I guess. The thing is, if you want some open water on the Current River outside the park, or on any other trout stream around the state, those first weekends are a pretty good bet. The vast majority of Missouri trout fishermen are pursuing those lunkers (why do I dislike that word so much?) the MDC stocks at the parks.
Early Spring is a good time to get out and hike before the Spring Turkey season starts. You can still get in some good hikes during the season, but you might want to pick an area closed to turkey hunting for your jaunts. And if it's something you like to do, what is better that hunting the Spring Turkey Season?
The camping gear can start coming out too, if you ever stored it away. The days will be warm and the nights crisp.
The main thing is to plan on getting out and to follow through and do it. Many studies show that time out in the woods and in the outdoors in general yields many health benefits, not least of which is mental well-being.